Algo Trading for Indian Stock Market in 2024

6 Min Read

Trading stocks, futures, and options need speed and efficiency, particularly if you want to make a profit. Modern technology has increased human efficiency to some extent when it comes to trading. 

However, keeping up with the complexities of the financial industry remains difficult. This is where computer algorithms and algorithm trading can be effective tools. 

What is Algo Trading?

Algorithmic trading is the process of buying and selling stocks using a computer algorithm. The trading algorithm is often configured to follow predefined rules and conditions. 

Consider triggers such as timing, price, or other variables that can be included in a mathematical model. This enables traders to incorporate speed and efficiency into their stock trading strategies. 

Furthermore, algo trading may provide a potential for increased profits. What’s the logic? Humans do not have a reputation for being as swift and perfect as computers. That is not all. 

Algo trading improves market liquidity by reducing the spread between bid and ask prices. It also lowers the impact of adverse selection, which occurs when one of the buyers or sellers has access to information that the other does not.

Not to mention that algo trading weakens the role of human emotion in trade. Now that you understand what algo trading is, let’s look at an example to see it in action.

Algo Trading in Practice

So far, we’ve explored how algo trading relies on proprietary algorithms that respond to triggers. Consider the following two instances to better understand this.

  •     When a company’s 50-day moving average exceeds its 200-day moving average, purchase 50 shares.
  •     When a stock’s 50-day moving average drops below its 200-day moving average, it is time to sell.

A computer software program will use these two basic commands to automatically monitor the stock price and generate buy-and-sell orders when the conditions are met. 

As a trader, you will no longer need to manually enter orders or analyze current prices and data. The algorithmic trading system automatically and consistently determines online trading opportunities.

List of Algorithmic Trading Strategies

The previous example is simply one simple method in which algo trading works. The truth is that traders use various standard algo trading strategies, all of which are designed to create profits.

1. Trend-following Strategies

Trends are indicators that help traders buy and sell assets. Trends include moving averages, channel breakouts, price level changes, and other technical indicators. 

These are typically employed in algorithmic trading models to detect profitable patterns that repeat frequently but are easy to understand. 

Such algorithmic trading removes the need for extensive predictive analysis. In addition, trend-following tactics do not anticipate or forecast price changes. 

As a result, when employing algorithmic trading, implementing a trend-following strategy is rather simple trading. 

2. Arbitrage Opportunities.

Suppose you purchase a Reliance Industries stock that is listed on various exchanges. On one exchange, the price is Rs. 2,513; on another, it is Rs. 2,515. You earn from selling the identical stock on another exchange trading.

This is referred to as an arbitrage opportunity. Developing an algorithm to find arbitrage possibilities can save time, which is critical for traders. 

More crucially, it can result in minor wins regularly. In reality, because price differences are common, this technique can be used to compare stocks and futures. 

3. Index Fund Rebalancing.

Index funds are known for mirroring indices such as the Sensex, Nifty 50, and others. That is why an index fund must rebalance its assets regularly when the index it tracks changes.  

This might be a rich opportunity for algo trading. Training your algorithm to recognize or track an index fund’s actions can allow you to profit fast from rebalancing. 

4. Trading Range.

Assume a security’s price trades at a high or low level for extended periods. This would give traders a range to watch. When a security rises over or below the range, traders might utilize algorithms to identify buying or selling opportunities. 


Algo trading uses algorithms that have been trained to recognize predetermined triggers, actions, and indications. These algorithms can assist traders in identifying potential buy or sell opportunities in the securities market. 

⚡ Algorithm trading is popular among traders for a variety of reasons, including its speed and efficiency. Consider it your assistant, scouting out the market depending on your instructions. 

Believe it or not, algo trading is not a novel concept. It has been present since the 1980s and has grown in popularity along with technological advancements. Discover more about stock market trading here.

Video Credit: Trading Techstreet

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By Brian
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